Eduard has updated the pics of their latest 1/32 (isn't it their first kit in this scale?) Bf-109E-1. It's quite obvious that aviation scale modellers will like it. Especially knowing Hasegawa's 1/32 scale Bf-109G/K success.
Although Eduard's Bf-109E-1 kit has everything to outrun Hasegawa's Gustav/Kurfurst sales (photoetch and flamboyant decals) and also in terms of attention to details (check out those rivets!!), I still guess Czech manufacturer lobbies interests of their home boys :) You know what I'm talking about? Quickboost, Aires, etc.
You see, the kit has magnificat engine and cockpit area, as shown on this pics:

The first thing that I would change (if leaving canopy left opened) is the seat itself. Actually speaking in defense of Eduard, none of the model kits (at least those I've seen) got early bf-109 seat shape and form right. None. Here's how the seat actually looked like:

You can see that the seat was deeper and little bit more "curvy" in outline. I guess here's a very good idea for next aftermarket replacement seat for "resin guys" ;) We have plenty of F-18 and F-16, etc. seats, but we still don't have a decent early modification Bf-109 seat! Take a look at Tamiya's 1/48 Bf-109E-3/4 kit seats and compare it with the original photos - I hope you understand me. Although, is it so critical in 1/48 scale? Especially if the canopy is closed :)
So, what's next? Next thing I'm not sure of are the kit wheels. I mean the form and, once again, the depth. You can see here that the disc too shallow and oversimplified:

And here's the photo of original early Bf-109 wheel and the disc:

Anyway, I guess it's too difficult to manufacture such details in plastic or am I wrong? On the other hand, it's a very good idea for the next aftermarket sales hit, isn't it? ;) For example, Ultracast makes beautiful wheels for early 109 Messerchmitts in 1/48 scale (although some rivetcounters may find its tread little bit overdone and too deep):

Well, those were just my 50 cents ;) But what are your thoughts and ideas about the kit? Anyway, just post your comments below.
I'm fairly new to aircraft modeling, and am eager to make my models accurate. You had some very nice photos of actual 109s, and I was just wondering what sources you use to get source photos. Websites? Books? Thanks.
Hi Mike! Thanx for commenting!
Well, first of all I would recommend getting Osprey modelling books (you can find my review here - ) For photo references online I use Falcon's Messerschmitt Bf 109 Hangar -
Feel free to comment or ask advices here.
Arseny aka Roxter
Thanks. I read your follow-up about the resin seat from ultracast. I live in the U.S., and can't seem to find a place to get one. Do you know of one?
Mike, I bet Ultracast ships to the US as well.
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