I've added a new blog poll right to the left menu column bellow "my links" section. As you can see it's called "Your scale of choise". Everyone of us have experemented within different scales and different modelling genres. But I would like to know what scale do prefer - you can always post your comments on the reason.
Personally I prefer 1:48 scale. I used to build aircrafts in 1/72, but my fingers and my eyes all seem to prefer a 1:48. I know that they would love 1:32 more, but I simply prefer smaller models that would not occupy my shelf. Although I'd love to build, for example, Hasegawa's new (I mean last - the model that was "published" in 2006 I guess) FW-190A-8 or Hasegawa's 1/32 Dora..
Anyway, feel free to comment and remember to vote!