You gotta know that feeling when you open fresh plastic model box - your eyes spark and you feel like you want to sit down and build the model right away. You feel like a child with his birthday gift. At least I mostly feel so :)
But what if you receive a bigger scale model? Not 1/32 or even 1/16 - but a 1/1? And not a model or copy, but a real aircraft fighter? Take a minute to think of it..
These guys here did assembling real P-47 Thunderbolt on a everyday basis:
Feeling crazy about aviation scale modelling? Plastic dust and CA glue turns you on? Love the smell of the fresh Tamigawa model? Join in!
The world of wonderful plastic model of Asao Shirai
I'll go on sharing "know-how" videos I've found.
You might have seen wonderful and inspiring works of Asao Shirai on Hyperscale:
- Hasegawa's 1/72 TBF/TBF-1C Avenger
- Hasegawa's 1/72 TBM-3S2 convertion from TBF/TBF-1C Avenger
- Hasegawa's 1/72 scale Nakajima Ki-44 Shoki (Tojo)
- Hasegawa 1/72 scale P-2V-7 Neptune
- Hasegawa's 1/72 scale T-1B
After you've seen the works of Master - see the Master himself (it's in Japanese, but video of the techniques and tricks speak for themself):
You might have seen wonderful and inspiring works of Asao Shirai on Hyperscale:
- Hasegawa's 1/72 TBF/TBF-1C Avenger
- Hasegawa's 1/72 TBM-3S2 convertion from TBF/TBF-1C Avenger
- Hasegawa's 1/72 scale Nakajima Ki-44 Shoki (Tojo)
- Hasegawa 1/72 scale P-2V-7 Neptune
- Hasegawa's 1/72 scale T-1B
After you've seen the works of Master - see the Master himself (it's in Japanese, but video of the techniques and tricks speak for themself):
Painting and weathering interior
Very interesting video I've found today on eBay. It features Brett Green (from Hyperscale) tips & advices of how to paint interior (wheel well bay doors in this case).
Everyone has its onw way of painting, detailing and weathering plastic models. But it's very interesting to hear expert's advices.
Everyone has its onw way of painting, detailing and weathering plastic models. But it's very interesting to hear expert's advices.
Messerschmitt Bf-109 G-6
Just wanted to share some shots of the models I built some 3-4 years ago. It's Hasegawa's 1/48 Messerschmitt Bf-109 G-6 flown by Georg Amon.
As you can see above wheel wells had been modified quite a bit. Undersurfaces received postshading in Chris Wauchop's style. At least I tried.
This photo clearlu shows that Moskit exhaust pipes are the most realistic copy of the exhaust pipes scale modeling world have seen so far (don't agree? comment!)

Some bf-109's side views. Gladly wil hear your critiques (use blog's comments for this).

Internet Modeller - March'08 Issue

Brand new issue of "Internet Modeller" is out. Magazine authors did a good job and prepaired some great looking reviews and build articles in different categories: aviation models, afv models, new books, new decals, new photoetch sets, etc.
PS. I'm not sure, but that yellow colour on theat Pfalz looks too "acid" for me. I guess that bright colours were invented after WW2..
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